Sunday, April 18, 2010


something happened yesterday. i'm not entirely sure of its significance quite yet, so i have to reflect on it some more. but i hope it doesn't just fade away into that murky realm of half memories that is the past. i just wish i could reconcile what i feel with what i see. also with what everyone else sees..

in other news, my workouts have slowed a bit. probably due to the intensity of them, but i worked out on 4/9 and then didn't work out until 4/16. i'm still sore as hell from this past friday's workout that i did with candrew. but i've been seeing a lot of his progress in the last month or so. i guess i'm easing my way back into it. but i like the results that i've been seeing. just have to make it more consistent i guess. i plan to work out again on tuesday and hopefully friday again. definitely have to put in less overtime for that to happen.

the last paycheck i got was fatty, but since putting that 5k away, my checking account looks sad again. it's gonna look especially sad after i pay off the chase card cause i've been eating out a lot. oh, that reminds me.. i gotta return that snowboarding jacket. not going to matter much because i'm thinking about buying a wetsuit but.. i guess this next paycheck is gonna be monster too and that comes in on friday. woot! note to self: stop eating out so much. it adds up!!

i'm kind of discouraged about buying a house. houses are so expensive, even in crappy places to live in [ie next to dairy farms]. there's no way i can afford one unless i live super duper frugally. two incomes would be so freaken nice.. but that's still some years away. i can feel the 18,000 tax credit slipping away..

finally, i'm really looking forward to this wknd. thuy's wedding in san diego.. woot woot!!