Sunday, March 28, 2010


so yesterday was my one year anniversary with state farm. i can't believe it's already been a year since i've started working there. my new boss gave me an envelope with a hand written card and a keychain from the boss's boss's boss. i put the card on my desk and i proudly put my keys on the keychain. this past year flew by. i definitely learned a lot, met a lot of interesting people and started my life as a grownup.

yesterday, i went to camarillo for this work party at andy's new house. candrew and i stopped by the outlets, and i got three polos and a button-up short sleeve for pretty cheap. my wardrobe definitely needed a boost for the transition from winter clothes to spring/summer clothes. i'm still lacking in a lot respects, (dressier work clothes, jeans, khaki's), but i'm going to hold off on those until i lose some weight. the work party was pretty low-key. candrew and i got a bunch of beers and a bottle of vodka/sake ? that was cool because it lit up, but hardly anyone drank. we just ate and played pictionary where candrew and i dominated. still, we left around 1130/12 and got home at 1.. >_<

today i took the jack3d i got for the first time and went to 24. i started off with a wimpy version of "fran" doing the thrusters with a 35 lbs barbell and pulldowns at 70 lbs. it took me about four pretty intense minutes, and i definitely felt winded/tired/demoralized by the end. after that i just did random bullshit [one or two sets of different body parts] for 20-25 minutes until i couldn't take it anymore. i think sleeping at 4am last night could have a part of why my workout was so short. also, doing the ritual earlier that day. still, since i don't have any physics class this week [spring break woot!] i'm going to try to work out everyday or at least pretty much every day and hit wimpy versions of crossfit's benchmarks. man, i really need to quit smoking too.

either jack3d or working out had some really awesome benefits today. i came home feeling like shit, but after taking a shower, eating some fruits and taking some protein powder.. i got a lot done. i cleaned my room, cleaned out my car, organized my desk, bought some hdmi cables online.. basically did a bunch of things i've been putting off for a while. i can't wait until i get healthier and thus have more energy/initiative even after weaning myself off the jack3d.

so paternal relations have been pretty good, and so i decided to use my dad's premiere techniques on him. i declared to him on saturday, "i'm not going to talk to you until you read siddhartha". i felt like an idiot because when i said it in korean, it sounded pretty awkward, i think i conjugated the verb wrong. i'm kind of scared because he's really good giving the silent treatment, and i'm really bad at it. pretty much every time it happens i'm the one who pesters him until he responds. still, this whole day i haven't said a word to him or even made eye contact. wish me luck!!

shoot, i wanted to tabulate my spending for the past two months, but i'm pooped.. time to hit the sack early so i can wake up tmrw..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds awesome man. jack3d is a great pre-workout, but i'm so intimidated by its powers that i make sure i don't do anything else (drink caffeine, alcohol, or smoke) the entire time i'm cycling it.

and good luck with those benchmarks. crossfit is probably something i'll aspire to, once my novice strength routine warrants an upgrade to the intermediate realm.